The Ultimate Guide to the Move Objects Cheat in Sims 4

The Sims 4 is a popular life simulation game that allows players to create and control virtual characters. One of the most helpful cheats in the game is the “move objects” cheat, which allows players to move and place objects without restrictions. This cheat is particularly useful for those who want to create custom interiors or outdoor spaces in their Sims’ homes. In this article, we’ll take an in-depth look at the move objects cheat in Sims 4, including how to use it, its benefits, and some tips and tricks to get the most out of it.

The Ultimate Guide to the Move Objects Cheat in Sims 4What is the Move Objects Cheat in Sims 4?

The move objects cheat in Sims 4 is a code that players can enter to remove any placement restrictions on objects. This means that players can place objects anywhere they want, including on top of other objects, outside the boundaries of a lot, and even in the air. This cheat can be particularly useful when players want to create a specific design or arrangement in their Sims’ homes, but find that they are limited by the game’s default placement rules.

How to Use the Move Objects Cheat in Sims 4

To use the move objects cheat in Sims 4, players must first activate the cheat console by pressing “Ctrl + Shift + C” on their keyboard. Once the console appears, players can type in the code “bb.moveobjects” and press “Enter.” The cheat is now active, and players can begin to move and place objects without any restrictions.

Benefits of Using the Move Objects Cheat in Sims 4

The move objects cheat in Sims 4 offers several benefits to players who want more control over their Sims’ homes and surroundings. These benefits include:

  1. More creative freedom: With the move objects cheat, players can create unique and custom designs that are not limited by the game’s default placement rules.
  2. Better aesthetics: The cheat allows players to create more visually pleasing homes and outdoor spaces, with objects placed in ways that suit the overall design.
  3. Improved functionality: The cheat can also help players to create more functional homes, with objects placed in locations that make sense for their Sims’ daily routines and needs.

Tips and Tricks for Using the Move Objects Cheat in Sims 4

To get the most out of the move objects cheat in Sims 4, here are some tips and tricks to keep in mind:

  1. Use the “Alt” key: When moving objects with the cheat, holding down the “Alt” key will allow players to place objects at any height, including in the air.
  2. Be mindful of collisions: While the move objects cheat removes placement restrictions, players should still be mindful of object collisions that could make the game unplayable.
  3. Save frequently: As with any cheat in Sims 4, it’s important to save the game frequently to avoid losing progress.


The move objects cheat in Sims 4 is a highly useful and versatile tool that can greatly enhance the gameplay experience for those who enjoy creating custom interiors and outdoor spaces. This cheat provides players with a greater degree of creative freedom, allowing them to design and decorate their Sims’ homes in unique and visually pleasing ways that are not restricted by the game’s default placement rules.

By using the move objects cheat, players can also improve the functionality of their Sims’ living spaces, ensuring that objects are placed in locations that make sense for their daily routines and needs. However, it is important for players to be mindful of object collisions and to save their game frequently to avoid losing progress.

Overall, the move objects cheat can help players to create more immersive and personalized Sims 4 gameplay experiences, and is a valuable tool for those who enjoy exploring the creative possibilities of the game. Whether you are a seasoned Sims player or new to the game, the move objects cheat is definitely worth exploring and experimenting with to take your Sims’ living spaces to the next level.


By Sahil